Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hitting the Marx

Ok, so we're a couple months into our new presidential era. What's been going on? Obama and our congress spent $837 billion, passed the largest government budget in history, mind you, this is all after Bush signed the first 700 billion in Tarp funds, is currently aquiring $1 trillion in bad mortgages (meaning WE are buying $1 trillion in bad loans), and now he's trying to pass more legislation that makes it easier for the government to bail out (read: take over and have a stake in) failing companies. This is really scary. We are gaining some speed on the slippery slope we began sledding down last fall.

When the government and tax payers bail out a company, they gain oversight over that company. In theory, this sounds good: "if the government is bailing them out, it should have a say in how that money is spent, you know, no big bonuses, no frills." But what happens when the government wants to make more decisions for the company? Like saying "You must loan to risky candidates"? That didn't work well the last time.

It just scares me. This is what the people voted for. Our government is, and rather quickly, swallowing up private-sector businesses. Anyone who is not struck by fear at this needs to open a history book and study the rise-to-power of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and lately, Hugo Chavez. There is a pattern here, we've scene gradual government involvement many times and it has never ended well. This is freaking me out...

1 comment:

  1. you are a very smart and educated man. All someone needs to do is study history and see we are going down the same path as the leaders you mentioned. I believe that most if not all were elected to power by popular vote then once in power through political and legal manuvers became dictators... could that be happening here right before our eyes?? look how much power has been grabbed in 2 months, and we still have almost 4 years to go. You are right to "freak out" me too.
